Sunday, January 10, 2010

Now I'm Doing It!

I'm starting this blog to journal my weight-loss journey for this year. My goal is to lose 50 pounds by hard core exercise and diet modification. I've only been successful at this one other time in my life, but for some reason, I feel like I'm in the zone, and that this time it will stick (again).

My story is that I have been overweight most of my life. In high school, I was always a size or two bigger than the other girls. I am 5'10 and my normal weight was always 170. Before having babies, I went as high as 195 and got back down twice. Then, once, I lost A LOT of weight and I was down to 145. Then I got married, and started BCP (which I no longer believe in taking, personal conviction), and gained 15 back immediately, then went off BCP and got pregnant within a month. During my first pregnancy, I gained 65 pounds, and stayed just at 200. When my daughter was about 10 months old, I got serious about beginning to lose, and I got down to 180, then got pregnant with my second daughter. I "only" gained 45 pounds with that one, and I have been sticking around 200 since then, up and down, and now she is almost 10 months old.

My goal is that I would get in shape and maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise for the rest of my life. I am starting with the 30 Day Shred, with Jackie and the Gang, and will incorporate extra elliptical/cardio time and other stuff as I feel motivated. I actually started the 30 Day Shred on January 4th but am starting the blog today. Hopefully I will keep track on here, although I'm not good at regular blogging.

The only stat I know for sure is that I weighed yesterday morning and I was at 197.4. I need to do measurements of everything, and hopefully will get that done soon so I can have an accurate picture of my progress.

Thanks for coming along.


  1. This is very Biggest Loser of me, but yay, you've left the 200s behind! Great job. CAN'T wait until I can join you there. (o:

  2. Holly, I've never seen that show, but I like the sound of that! YES! So excited to be on this journey with you ladies. Thanks for the comment.

  3. I can not tell you how excited I am that you are doing this!

    If you ever get some extra time, you should watch an episode of The Biggest Loser on NBC dot com. Very motivating!

  4. I am excited, too, Erica! And I am excited that you are doing it! I can't wait to see us both change. Now you STAY AWAY from the cookies, woman!
